Commercial fishing Enterprise

The North Coast-Skeena Commercial Fishing Enterprise (NCS-CFE) is an initiative supported by the Pacific Integrated Commercial Fisheries Initiative (PICFI) through the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada. The NCS-CFE has two primary objectives:

1. Provide greater commercial access to the member and partner Nations of the North Coast-Skeena First Nations Stewardship Society;


2. Develop a successful business enterprise that is self-sustaining in the long term.


Currently, the NCS-CFE receives funding from PICFI to help with continued operational and strategic planning development. This funding will last until 2016 at which point the goal of the NCS-CFE is to be a self-sustaining business enterprise. The North Coast-Skeena First Nations Stewardship Society plays the role of General Partner and holds licenses in trust for the NCS-CFE. The NCS-CFE manages the license access and quota on behalf of the General Partner. In addition, the NCS-CFE has a Manager and Committee who make the business and operational decisions for the enterprise.

Ron Smith

NCS-CFE Manager

NCS-CFE Management Committee:

Rina Gemeinhardt

Kitsumkalum First Nation

Chris Picard

Gitga’at First Nation

Greg Greyson

Kitselas First Nation

Ryan Leighton

Metlakatla First Nation

Bruce Watkinson

Gitxaala First Nation

Mike Jacobs

Haisla First Nation

NCS-CFE Contact Information:

North Coast-Skeena CFE LP
Suite 363 – 309 2nd Avenue West
Prince Rupert, BC, V8J 3T1
Phone: 250-624-8614
Fax: 250-624-8615